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Writer's pictureGeetha Arunan

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. School's Hours

The school operates between 9:00 am and 12:30 pm on weekdays with the following options available for your child.

9:00 am to 12:30 pm: full day session 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm: extended day session

Terms and conditions apply for having the child stay back for longer hours:


Q2. School's Location

NaNa is located in the city of Trivandrum at Pongamoodu. The surrounding area is a fine balance of commercial and residential community. The facility features a bright and airy classroom and a play area which facilitates multipurpose educational activities.


3 km from Govt Medical College, Trivandrum

Behind Damro, Federal Bank, Pongamoodu Main Road


Q3. Holidays

All major holidays will be observed. The holiday list will be put up in the beginning of the year. The school will have three big breaks in the course of the year as Onam break, Winter break (up to 10 days each) and summer break (6-8 weeks).


Q4. Birthday Celebrations

The school acknowledges children’s birthdays. A child’s birthday is acknowledged in the classroom with a happy birthday song during circle time. And a visit

Parents are welcome to send a very small treat, home cooked or healthy snack (such as, fruits, sweets and savouries) for their child to share with other children. Fresh fruit juice is an appropriate choice for a drink. Treats/juice will be served at snack time in the morning.

“Childhood is not merely a stage to be passed through on the way to adulthood but is ‘the other pole of humanity’.”

– EM Standing, Life and Works of Dr. Montessori


Q5. Healthcare

Illness and Medication

Parents are not allowed to bring in a child sick or show symptoms of illness in case of fever, diarrhea, vomit, until the child is free of these symptoms for at least 24 hrs.

If the child shows symptoms of illness while in school, the parent will be notified and should pick up their child immediately to prevent aggravation and seek early medical assistance.

If your child feels sick and is unable to participate in normal activities of the school, he/she should be away from school to ensure the safety of not only your child but other children, as well.

Other than the basic safety aid, the school will not administer any medication to the child without the prior permission of the parent.


Q5. Admission and Application

Children will be admitted to NaNa subject to an opening/ vacancy in the classroom and discretion of the Director, based on the information provided on a completed application form as well as from personal interviews/discussions with the parents.

Admissions will be considered after the parents have been through an orientation program and is aligned with the vision of the school.

The child should be 2 1/2 years of age at the time of admission for a full-day session.

Application for admission is issued at the school at all times, if an opening is available.

If there are no vacancies, you may leave your child’s details and you will be contacted as soon there is an opening.

The child is officially enrolled in the programme when the school has received the fees for the year and is binding for the school year.




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